The pre-order is in !!
The Raspberry Pi is a credit-card sized computer that plugs into your TV and a
keyboard. It’s a capable little PC which can be used for many of the things that
your desktop PC does, like spreadsheets, word-processing and games. It also
plays high-definition video. The idea is it can be used by kids all over the
world to learn programming. I had a love of my old ZX Spectrum, so I hope to be able to do a bit of geeky coding and enjoy the fun of old. You can dowload the operating system of your choice the best option seems to be Debian "squeeze" for amateurs or Arch Linux ARM if you are a bit of a old had at it, all you need is a SD card that inserts into the Rasp Pi, and you can partiotion it and place the image of the linux operating system you want...
It is also cost effective being under £30 here in the UK, it will also play blu-ray and has a HDMI port so you can get it running on either your flatscreen tv or even your old black and white if you have an adapter...
The 1st 10,000 are sold, next batch is on pre-order expect to see alot of development and innovation coming from the open source community and tech savvy youth of the world ! The Worlds cheapest computer once it reaches the masses.
The Raspberry Pi is a credit-card sized computer that plugs into your TV and a
keyboard. It’s a capable little PC which can be used for many of the things that
your desktop PC does, like spreadsheets, word-processing and games. It also
plays high-definition video. The idea is it can be used by kids all over the
world to learn programming. I had a love of my old ZX Spectrum, so I hope to be able to do a bit of geeky coding and enjoy the fun of old. You can dowload the operating system of your choice the best option seems to be Debian "squeeze" for amateurs or Arch Linux ARM if you are a bit of a old had at it, all you need is a SD card that inserts into the Rasp Pi, and you can partiotion it and place the image of the linux operating system you want...
It is also cost effective being under £30 here in the UK, it will also play blu-ray and has a HDMI port so you can get it running on either your flatscreen tv or even your old black and white if you have an adapter...
The 1st 10,000 are sold, next batch is on pre-order expect to see alot of development and innovation coming from the open source community and tech savvy youth of the world ! The Worlds cheapest computer once it reaches the masses.